Super Typhoon Odette

Update: Project Page
On December 16th, our hometown Bais City, Negros Oriental, Philippines was badly hit by Super Typhoon Odette. The Super Typhoon Odette shook up and even took the lives of some of our fellow Baisanons. Thousands have been rendered homeless and hungry. Lives were turned literally, upside down. The restart has not even begun. They need our help so they can pick up the pieces and rebuild .Hope is needed for those Baisanons who were severely affected by the flood and strong wind. Your kind help will bring new hope and make a huge difference in the lives of the victims of Odette.
Proceeds will go to the purchase of food, blankets, sleeping mats, pillows, cleaning supplies, building materials, tarp, groceries, laundry supplies, utility buckets, bottled water, solar lanterns/flashlights.
You may elect to send a check payable to “Baisanons of the World, Inc.”
Please mail check to the BOW, Inc. Treasurer:
Mrs. Candice Bello
7740 Southside Blvd., Apt 203
Jacksonville, FL 32256
To donate through Zelle, go to your bank app and Zelle payment to BOW, Inc.’s official phone number: (443) 824-9330
Thank you very much !!
 Videos of the Tragedy we found in Social Media and Youtube:   TyphoonOdette  | TyphoonOdette2
For updates, please see our Project page


New Beginnings

Someone once said,” a dream is like a seed. You need to put it deep in the ground, water it and wait to give it time to grow”. Forming a group that would unite Baisanons for a cause and give back to our fellow Baisanons and to inspire hope in the hearts of the impoverished and disenfranchised in our hometown- That was our dream.

That dream birthed Baisanons of the World, Inc. or BOW,Inc. . A few of us, Baisanons and friends banded together to create a group that every Baisanon who is away from home could be a part of.

To do that, we first had to test the waters. We planned a gathering of Baisanons and friends in Las Vegas and surprisingly, a bunch of equally home-sick Baisanons slowly populated our list. Initially, we wanted just to have a big reunion to gather all Baisanons who have migrated to North America but as we  were getting closer to the date, more people signed up to come, a few coming from outside of the US and even from our own hometown, Bais City. There was no doubt in our minds, this is the season we’ve been waiting for. Truly, there is a time for everything and this is the time for our dream to bloom.

In 2011, BOW launched, “ Tapok Baisanons”  in Las Vegas, the World’s Entertainment Capital. We were so excited to see 35 Baisanons come to reunite. It was so heartwarming to see familiar faces, former classmates, old neighbors, former teachers, relatives we have not seen in ages, come together and bond with each other after all these years of being away from home.

The first of the 3 day event was a Meet and Greet dinner where everyone came with a dish to share.  It was very Bais-like. There was a tasty spread of  Bais’ popular dishes like Humba, Kare2 Chicken, Hamonada ,the popular Pancit, Lumpia,  BBQ chicken and pork, Fish Escabeche  plus our native desserts,  “Budbod with chocolate, Biko ( rice cake with caramel) , and Dinoldog ( mixed root crops with coco milk). To top of it all we served the fiesta favorite, pork Lechon.

 That night people were transported back to our hometown as the group savored their favorite delicacies. Others shared their stories, reminiscing what it was like to grow up in Bais, while guests who have never been to Bais listened intently as they enjoyed their Leche Flan dessert. Some guests were busy tracing their family roots which to our amusement, led someone to find a relative who was also at the party. The night overflowed with food, laughter and nostalgia. There were mixed emotions as people listened to stories about their beloved Bais. The following 2 days were more exciting and meaningful for that is when the purpose of the gathering was realized. We danced and partied but we also raised awareness concerning the plight of our fellow Baisanons back home. Many ideas came forth and it turned out to be a very fruitful maiden event. For sure everyone that came, went home feeling reconnected to their roots.

We were so delighted that the 1stTapok was a hit. We had the right ingredients, food, drinks and a karaoke machine! In the following gatherings, it was not a surprise when people flocked in growing numbers for every Tapok is a shot of nostalgia. Being in the Tapok reinforces that sense of belonging to our Baisanon community that’s why people couldn’t help but come back each time there is a gathering. In fact, this coming July 23 26,2021, we will be having the 7th Tapok Baisanons ,again, in Orlando, Florida. We are looking forward to seeing close to 80 Baisanons gather this time.

The 1st Tapok Baisanon was also a spring board for ideas of how to help our people back home who are in dire need. The group agreed that we needed to do something more meaningful than just “party”. We have seen the need to unite so we can help our people: the children, the youth, and other sectors of our community. After all, it is also a part of the Baisanon culture to help a neighbor in distress. We grew up seeing good neighbors help carry neighbors’ bamboo houses on their shoulders. We call this community effort, “Bayanihan”. Our old folks taught us that if we unite our strengths, we could help other people carry their load, as well. BOW,Inc. carries the spirit of “Bayanihan” .It lies in each of us. We, Baisanons were taught to look back to our roots and think of ways to give back because it’s the right thing to do.

In essence, Baisanons of the World,Inc. is our second “home”. Having built this “home away from home” for Baisanons is not to be taken lightly. It took a lot of work and faith to even start. Big dreamers knew full well that it takes more than guts to form the organization. It also needed to be steered towards the right direction. We had to have a strong, relentless, Team who will be willing to roll up their sleeves to lead. Needs were real, so we searched for people who will be willing to go an extra mile. Money to fund our projects was not easy to find and committed people were not many. Yet, these challenges did not faze us.  What sustained us was the concerted effort of those few who believed in a common good and cared enough for their neighbors. They are our true heroes –  those who answered the call to join a movement that would ignite a dream in the hearts of our people who have gotten so used to the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. Even if only very few responded to the call, we were able to continue through the support of these people who have the heart to share what they have to those that are in need.

It’s also a beautiful thing that there were many in the group who had united to support the idea to help our people back home. It just proved that when people band together they are more powerful. We, human beings are electric and when we unite, our energy becomes magnified. At the Tapok, people were not only there because they just love to hang out. They were there that night for a purpose. Our hope is that Tapok attendees realize that they’re presence is not insignificant. Their being there is very important. BOW, Inc . exists for a purpose and that is to help our fellow Baisanons. Their attendance is a gesture of support to this new idea and it’s never easy to get people to rally for a new idea. As we all know, ”Trust is earned “. Yet, we believe in our hearts, more and more will come to join.

Thankfully, there are a growing number of fellow dreamers who are now involved in strengthening our organization and we are so grateful for that.  We are certain that God has brought those people alongside us, Team leaders. We now have help from people who have the expertise and the ability to make BOW, Inc. flourish. This, too, is a gift from Above. Consider this: When we applied for our tax exempt status, it was not easy but just at the right time, a few people came to help make it happen. When we needed a cover for our Website home page, Atty. JD Vergara from Davao City, who is not even a Baisanon, gladly lent us a picture of his painting for us to use. So, we are so inspired by these gestures of kindness. They encourage our hearts to do more and to step forward despite the uncertainties we face nowadays.

Like the masons building an edifice, the Movers and Shakers of BOW, Inc, continue to work hard and long. Sleepless nights will still not end but the outcome will be so worth the sacrifices. Yes, BOW, Inc. has moved on from the challenges of the past into a new chapter. This website is just a prologue but there are more pages to be filled. There are more stories to tell of triumphs and obstacles to overcome. Our hopes are high, propelled by the vision – to see Baisanons who are educated, skilled and healthy enough to become productive constituents of  our beloved hometown, Bais City – the City of Dolphins and Whale

So, Welcome to our haven!!. We hope you join us in our cause and visit us often. May God bless us all !!